Monday, February 3, 2014

Conversations About Worship

Worship Forum: March 1 in Surrey, BC

WHAT: A conversation about worship in the church. Where has it been, where is it now, where is it going?

WHO: Worship leaders, musicians, pastors, artists, congregation members – if you care about corporate worship, this day is for you.

WHEN: Saturday, March 1, 2014, 9:30am-4pm

WHERE: Pacific Life Bible College, 15030 - 66A Avenue, Surrey

COST: $30 ($25 for students and groups of 5 or more)

REGISTER: Purchase tickets through Eventbrite HERE

Moderators Carolyn Arends, Darlene Ketchum, Roy Salmond, and Lincoln Tatem
will be asking key questions and facilitating discussion. 
Together, we will explore the state of corporate worship with the following questions:

1.   Facilitating worship: Community or Communion? - Roy Salmond
2.   Roles in corporate worship? (So what are we doing here anyway?) - Lincoln Tatem
3.   Can inclusive participation and skilled artistry coexist in a worship service? - Darlene Ketchum
4.   How can we make worship hospitable? - Carolyn Arends

MEALS: Coffee and muffins will be provided. Bring your own lunch or dine offsite at several nearby restaurants.

Parking:  Bible Fellowship/Regent Academy parking lot just off 66A Ave.

Directions to Pacific Life Bible College Learning Centre:
After parking, walk around the north side of the church complex eastward to the back of the buildings until you come to an open field.  You will see an amphitheatre on the left.  Take the stairs down the amphitheatre and enter either of the 2 doors on the left.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have reported this event on my blog.
    Hopefully the conversation will continue!
